Do you have trained Forensic Interviewers who get transferred in and out of the unit? (I know, you’ve never heard of such a thing!)
Those returning to forensic interviewing, and those who would like to make sure they’re up to date will benefit from this announcement from Finding Words/Child First – New Jersey.
“Finding Words will be offering Refresher Forensic Interview Training in 1Q-2023. We will have three 1-day training sessions, 1 for each region of NJ. These sessions will be held at/on the following locations/dates:
· Northern Refresher: Passaic County Prosecutor’s Office Multipurpose Room on 27-Jan
· Central Refresher: Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office Training Center on 17-Feb
· Southern Refresher: Camden County College Blackwood Campus on 31-Mar
The target audience for these trainings will be law enforcement personnel who previously completed our 5-day training session but has not used the protocol regularly. They also may be returning to forensic interviewing after a time away. Due to the nature of this training, all applicants will be asked to bring questions/issues that they may have encountered to help enrich the overall experience.
Registration will be completed on our website. As with all FW classes, we will review all applications with the respective MDT for each county to ensure that we have the appropriate attendees. Starting in January, Refresher Training applications will be included in the weekly registration updates.”