Workshop Title: Where the Boys Are: Understanding and Responding to Trauma when the Victim is a Male

Date & Time: Monday, December 18, 2023 from 3 pm to 4 pm EST

Workshop Description:  Utilizing a case study, this Gathering gives an overview of the research on the unique dynamics involved when a victim of abuse is a male. Given these dynamics, Victor Vieth will provide concrete guidance for medical, mental health and spiritual care for male survivors.

Speaker Biography

Victor Vieth, JD, MA, has trained thousands of child-protection professionals from all 50 states, two U.S. Territories, and 17 countries on numerous topics pertaining to child abuse investigations, prosecutions and prevention. Mr. Vieth gained national recognition for his work in addressing child abuse in small communities as a prosecutor in rural Minnesota, and has been named to the President’s Honor Roll of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children. In 2012, he was awarded the Pro Humanitate Award from the North American Resource Center for Child Welfare. He is the Chief Program Officer for Research and Education of Zero Abuse Project, a 501©(3) nonprofit based in St. Paul, Minnesota, committed to education, training, and survivor support in order to eradicate child sex abuse and remedy its resulting harms. He is the 2018 President of the Academy on Violence & Abuse, and founder of the former National Child Protection Training Center (now part of Zero Abuse Project). Mr. Vieth has been instrumental in implementing 22 state and international forensic interview training programs and dozens of undergraduate and graduate programs on child maltreatment. Mr. Vieth graduated magna cum laude from WSU and earned his Juris Doctor from Hamline University School of Law (HUSL).

General Admission: Free

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