In-Person Training
There is NO FEE for this training! Of course, you will have to get there, have a place to stay, and you’ll need to eat, but at least there’s no fee for the 4 days of training.
“Learn how to utilize the evidence to support the proper conclusion in cases involving the death of a child. Discuss possible causes of death and gain best practices and tips including various investigative steps for first responders to evidence collection, witness and suspect interviews, and medical examination, and legal issues for prosecution. Assumptions about the cause and manner of this death must be avoided, and this training will focus on utilizing the evidence to support the proper conclusion. New and experienced law enforcement, CPS, prosecutors and other child serving professionals will learn up-to-date practices and tips for the investigation of unexplained child deaths.”
Learn more here:
This class is pending approval from the US Department of Justice.
Do not make any non-refundable travel arrangements until confirmation of enrollment has been received via email.