The NCA Institute for Better Mental Health Outcomes is presenting its second annual SEAMLESS conference.

This conference is for mental health professionals working with CAC families. 





We are happy to announce the 2nd annual Seamless conference, the only mental health conference specifically for clinicians working with CAC families. This is a great way to get your CEs before the end of the year.
To thank you for your work with children and families, the NCA Institute for Better Mental Health Outcomes is excited to offer a price discount through August 31, 2023.
The registration fee is $299, and through 11:59PM EDT on August 31, 2023, you can register 2 clinicians for the price of 1. Each clinician attending will use this special code to register: seamless149. If you are the only clinician providing services, you can register for $150.00 using the same code.
Click here for more information

Register two clinicians for the price of one!

Use code seamless149 before 11:59pm EDT on August 31, 2023

Click Here to Register
Registration is through NCA Engage. This deal is available to NCA members.
If you have any questions, please reach out to


Topics & Presenters

October 4
Mass Casualty Events/Disaster Response, Part 1 & 2
Steven Marans and Carrie Epstein, Co-Directors, Yale Center for Traumatic Stress and Recovery
From Devastation to Denial: Engaging Caregivers in Trauma Therapy
Jessica Wozniak, Psy. D. University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, Baystate Medical Center
October 5
The Mental Health Provider and Criminal Court
Judge Bret D. Linneweber, Judicial District Court, Montana
Mental Health Ethics
Jimmy Widdifield, JR., Project Director, TTA, National Children’s Advocacy Center
Providing mental health services for children and youth with Problematic Sexual Behavior: applying best-practices to support and promote safety
Geoff Sidoli, Coordinator for Mental Health Programs, NCA