The National Criminal Justice Training Center (NCJTC) offers many training opportunities. 

I’m listing a bunch of them – take a look and see what catches your eye.  But if they don’t go to their website and see their other offerings.
This one is directed at CPS (DCP&P in NJ): 

A CPS Perspective: Missing and Trafficked,
Detecting Child Sex Trafficking with No Disclosure
June 7, 2023 |  1:00 pm – 3:00 pm CDT
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Child Protective Services (CPS) case workers encounter child sex trafficking victims during and following missing events in which extensive exploitation is occurring or has occurred. Examine when CPS has jurisdiction and a duty to investigate trafficking cases, along with why and how children go missing from care. Identify vulnerabilities and recognize factors which indicate sex trafficking. Often these recovered missing or abducted children do not disclose their exploitation when recovered or encountered by CPS. Analyze the bond the victim has with the trafficker and discover why disclosing is difficult for children. Identify approaches to protect children when you suspect trafficking but have no disclosure from the victim. Lastly, develop opportunities to collaborate with law enforcement and other professionals to identify and support CST victims.

This webinar is for all who are part of the response team at the CAC including interviewers, detectives, victim advocates, DCPP workers and prosecutors. 

Teaching Parents How To Do A Warm Handoff – Preparing
Children for Forensic Interviews
June 21, 2023 | 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm CT
Children are often prepared for other types of appointments: doctor visits, dentist visits, therapy; so how do we adequately prepare a child for a forensic interview? What should we share with them and how to do so in a child friendly manner? Learn the best ways to adequately prepare a child, post disclosure, for their forensic interview.
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This webinar is appropriate for anyone who interviews children in any capacity – law enforcement, DCPP, mental health and medical personnel. 


Interviewing Drug Endangered Children
June 28, 2023 | 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm CT
This webinar is a basic level introduction to interviewing children who are living in a drug-exposed environment. We will explore the likelihood of the co-occurrence of child abuse and drug exposure and how to discuss drugs and alcohol with children in a developmentally sensitive way.
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