Our friends in the Massachusetts MDT world are offering Advanced Team Trainings on a variety of topics.
- Engaging Caregivers for MDTs: Fri 3/17 9am-11am
- After disclosure of child abuse, nonoffending caregivers
have a range of reactions and responses from avoidance
to disbelief. This presentation will review potential
rationales for such varied responses and outlines
supports and techniques to align with and respond to
caregivers, regardless of their initial response.
- After disclosure of child abuse, nonoffending caregivers
- Trauma Informed Supervision for MDTs: Fri 3/31 11am-1pm
- Trauma-informed supervision is essential for agencies and
supervisors to create a culture that normalizes and supports
the impact for staff working with those impacted by trauma.
Trauma-informed supervision can reduce and prevent
vicarious trauma and turnover within an agency. While it may
look different across disciplines, the implementation of
trauma- informed supervision will provide support, promote
wellness, and encourage staff to seek support as needed.
- Trauma-informed supervision is essential for agencies and
- Awareness & Identification of Youth who have been Trafficked: Fri 5/12 10am-12noon
- Recognizing and understanding the dynamics of child
sex trafficking from a single system response to a full
multidisciplinary team response is crucial. This training
raises awareness of human trafficking to improve
identification and referrals to services across
varied disciplines.
- Recognizing and understanding the dynamics of child
- MDT Engagement with Youth with Problematic Sexual Behaviors: Tues 5/23 10am-12noon
- All disciplines play a critical role in addressing the issue of
problematic sexual behaviors within a Children’s
Advocacy Center. Participants will learn the initial steps to
take when concerns arise involving problematic sexual
behaviors, while engaging children and families in the
- All disciplines play a critical role in addressing the issue of
Pre-Register Now! Advanced Trainings for Multidisciplinary Teams (
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