“SurvivorSpace is a is a new technology-based resource informed by survivors, for survivors. It offers a safe space where adult survivors of child sexual abuse and those who care about them can learn from other survivors; find information on new rights under the law; focus on self-care and resiliency; read survivor stories; explore civil litigation; access national resources and institutional programs; and connect with others to learn about and discuss a wide range of topics.”

SurvivorSpace is a project of Zero Abuse Project, the people behind the Child First (Finding Words) forensic interview protocol. It is an excellent tool for victim/survivors and their families, and includes a recently developed app.  Click here for the whole story: SurvivorSpace – A Safe Place for Survivors of Sexual Abuse to Heal

SurvivorSpace recently released the story of Joseph Fazzary, District Attorney of Schuyer County, NY, and a victim of childhood sexual abuse: 

“Joseph Fazzary has been a prosecutor for over 30 years, the last 27 of those years as the Schuyler County, New York District Attorney. As he worked to prosecute cases of child sexual abuse, no one knew the secret he was holding onto: that he, too, had been sexually abused as a boy.

“Here I was, this prosecutor who dealt with horrific cases of child sexual assault every day. I watched these children walk into courtrooms and tell complete strangers what happened to them. I worked with those children so they would be able to tell. Yet, I couldn’t find the words to tell my own wife what had happened to me. I don’t have an exact count, but I am certain that on no less than two hundred occasions, I tried to tell her, but I just couldn’t.”

Joe finally found his voice, setting him upon a healing journey that led him to collaborate with local partners to establish the Justice Center of the Southern Tier (pictured above), a state-of-the-art facility where victims and survivors can go to receive services all in one place.

There’s a lot more to Joe’s story, and he is sharing it via SurvivorSpace in the hopes that other survivors will know that they are not alone, and that there is power in breaking the silence.” You can read Mr. Fazzary’s story here: Silence (shorthandstories.com)

I encourage you to share this moving story with your team, your colleagues, and especially those who can recommend it and/or SurvivorSpace to your survivors and their families.